Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cedar Park, 2007 Latex and spray paint on canvas.

Christopher Wool is an artist whose work I really like. I bring up his name because I know that this particular work is tapping a bit onto his turf. The use of spray paint, rollers, etc. In that sense we connect but our differences are only in materials and maybe the influence of the urban landscape on our own work. "Can control" plays a very important role for me as does it's method of application. I use various spray caps such as five finger, fat, and pencil thin caps. The quality of line has to be right. Wools work lacks "can control" but I still love the grittiness of the work.

Definition: "Can control" is the ability to handle a can of spray paint. It's skill level is reflected in a line that flows smoothly without drips. An indicator of style similar to a painters brush stroke.